It takes sustained, intentional effort to create lasting institutional change around issues of racism and social justice. Jane partners with schools and other organizations to strategically plan anti-bias work to meet the needs of each particular community. Below are some of the workshops she has done with administrators, teachers, parents, students, museum workers, and other professionals.
Stereotype Threat & Racial Microaggressions
If you are interested in having Jane work with your organization or school, please contact her or book an appointment.
Strategic Planning
Jane offers bespoke training for anti-racist, social justice, and DEI strategic planning, implementation, and assessment. She works with all levels of employees and leadership, including governing boards, to ensure that the work is mission-driven, comprehensive, and long-lasting.
Talking About Race & Racism
What do you think when a student says, "That's so racist!"? How do you respond when a child wants to touch another child's hair because it is "different"? How do you talk to youth about politics and current events? As teachers, administrators, and parents we often have opportunities to engage in important conversations about race and racism.
This workshop helps you take advantage of opportunities to engage students thoughtfully around issues of race and equity. We explore the language and assumptions that ground our thinking about race, as well as the concerns and fears that sometimes paralyze us. Come with questions about how to talk with children—and other adults—about racial issues that you find tricky or incendiary.
Interdependent Groupwork
Research has shown that groupwork, when properly designed and facilitated, increases the achievement of all learners, no matter what their status, language proficiency, or reading achievement level. In these sessions, teachers learn to ask higher level thinking questions and construct tasks that incorporate students' various strengths. Teachers learn tools to get students to become actively involved in their learning and to work together effectively. In addition to academic gains, groupwork supports students' social-emotional growth by teaching social skills and incorporating reflection on social interactions in each lesson.
Stereotype Threat & Racial Microagressions
Every day in our workplaces, classes, cafeterias, and hallways, members of our communities and organizations experience subtle and not-so-subtle messages that either challenge or reinforce negative stereotypes. These messages have a direct impact on their work/ academic performance. How can we create environments where all of us feel confident and capable rather than stereotyped and stupid? With plenty of everyday examples and an interactive approach, you will learn what research tells us about implicit bias, microaggressions, and stereotype threat. You will leave with concrete tools to address issues of racism in our organizations and to combat some of its negative effects.
Anti-Bias Curriculum
In this session teachers differentiate between multicultural and anti-bias curriculum, and work on crafting a specific unit. Please come with the topic of one unit you will be teaching in the next few months. You will sketch out essential questions, assessments, and curricular activities that invite and initiate conversations about race and bias. The goal is to help your students explore issues of institutional oppression as well as individual privilege and prejudice and learn how to take action for social justice. If you have materials for the unit already, please bring these along.